“Pipennata Ida Denna” To observe World Mental Health Day

The event was organized by the members of the Damrivi Counselors’ Association, held on the 14th of October, 2023, at Damrivi premises. The planned program is to observe the World Mental Health Day on the theme “Mental Health is a Universal Right”. The focus of the event is the role of parents and teachers in […]

Damrivi counsellors Association – Members’ Day – On 11th February, 2024

This is an annual event where the majority of DCA members participate to share the Friendship and also to find new friends amongst the new members who attended. We started the program by practicing “Mindfulness” Ven. Dhammarathana Thera from “Sathi Paasala”. Dr Kumudu Ekanayake shared her expertise on “Drama Therapy” Here are some interesting pictures […]